Sunday, March 18, 2018

Via et veritas et vita (Jn 16:4)

Anyone who pursues a conscious journey to God has to take a definite path. For us Christians, the path and the destiny are the same, Jesus Christ the truth. One can be sure that this road although less travelled, brings the promise of fullness of life. But it’s not easy to walk on this path. It means thinking like him, acting like him and speaking like him even at the cost of losing our own lives. In a way it’s about taking his values and life principles to our hearts and putting them into loving actions to the benefit of others. This is where love of God and love of neighbour meet. This is the path that leads to true life and liberation. God knows our limitations, our tendency to side track and he is ever ready to take us back by hands and put us in the right track. We can always approach him in our difficulties, confusions like our brother and friend. He would always answer us in the best ways that suits us. Let us keep our hope alive to reach him and to be with him (sr. Jessy Paul SSpS).

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