Thursday, June 25, 2015

Domine, Domine (Mt 7:21).

The main goal of your life is to enter the Kingdom of heaven. If you want to achieve it, you are supposed to do the will of your Father in heaven. You do not have to perform great works but just do the simple deeds in accordance with God's will. You should avoid evil and follow the example of the Son of God. Also you ought to listen carefully to the words of the Scripture and act on them. Thus you will become a wise man who build his house on rock. No danger nor distress will make you afraid. For your hope will be set solidly on Jesus Christ. Otherwise, you will always worry about everything - about your tasks, responsibilities and future. Since you will be acting alone without the grace of God. In this way evil people and spirits will have an impact on you. You will finally collapse and be completely ruined. Therefore, your only choise is to keep a good relationship with the Lord. If you place your trust in him, you will receive the gift of mercy. If you observe his commandments, you will enjoy his blessings. If you ask him sincerly, you will be granted the Holy Spirit. And if you love him, you will experience his divine love and his presence in your life. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Puer sum (Jer 1:7).

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I dedicated you,
a prophet to the nations I appointed you.

How great is the vocation of the apostle? God loves him and chooses to proclaim the Good News to the nations. For that reason, the apostle needs to find out the will of God and ought to fulfill it in his life. It is not an easy task. The doubts can arise in the heart of the elect one. However, God never lets him be alone but always accompanies him with the divine grace. The apostle should trust and speak in the name of the Lord. There is no need for fear because God is with him to deliver from danger. The appointed person is touched by God and led by his mighty hand. The Holy Spirit lives and acts in his heart so that he could perform the miraculous deeds. With divine help he is able to build the kingdom of God among the people and cure their diseases. For the Lord is his strength and never lets him be put to shame. Moreover, Jesus Christ rescues and delivers him from evil. The disciple should only incline his ear to the words of God. In such a way, he will be saved and will help others to meet the Saviour.

Monday, June 22, 2015

De terra tua (Gn 12:1).

The essential thing in the life of believer is listening to God. Since God keeps communicating his divine will to men but they often are not able to recognize it. Therefore so important is to hear and follow the ordinances from the Lord. Thus you know what is your vocation and your future. The Father's plans are always optimistic for the beloved children. Although he sometimes makes you change your life and overcome the difficulties, he eventually does it for your spiritual progress. God's promises for the believers are full of hope and good fortune. For the Lord blesses all the actions of his disciples and supports them against the evil.
So let the Lord direct you and show you the right path in your life. Do not be afraid to obey his commands but trust him wholeheartedly. When you travel from one place to another, remember to ask God to lead you. Pray and keep contact with your heavenly Father. Through his holy angels he will guide you and share with you his secrets. In this way you will know where to stay and when to go further. With God's grace and blessing you will achieve more experience and prudence. You will also be an example for the people who do not know how to listen to God carefully and follow his precepts.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Transeamus contra (Mk 4:35).

Ilekroć Chrystus śpi w twojej łodzi i jest uśpiony w ciele snem twojego lenistwa, tylekroć spada burza z całą zawieruchą wiatrów, srożą się groźne fale 
(św. Piotr Chryzolog).
Zastanów się dzisiaj czy nie ogarnia cię lenistwo w wierze? Czy zbyt często i za łatwo nie ulegasz złym pokusom? Czy nie brakuje ci gorliwości w wyznawaniu wiary? Ponieważ wtedy w twoim życiu może dziać się tak, jak opisuje to święty Augustyn:
Gdy płyniesz, wstępują wiatry do twego serca; 
gdy przebywasz to burzliwe i niebezpieczne morze, 
zrywają się wiatry, wzburzają fale, wstrząsają łodzią. 
Jakie to wiatry? 
Usłyszysz zniewagę - gniewasz się: 
zniewaga to wiatr, gniew to fala; 
grozi ci niebezpieczeństwo - przygotowujesz odpowiedź, 
jesteś gotowy odpłacić złorzeczeniem za złorzeczenie: 
już bliskie jest rozbicie łodzi.
Dlatego zaś burzysz się i chcesz odpłacić złem za zło, 
bo Chrystus śpi w twojej łodzi. 
W sercu twoim śpi Chrystus, panuje zapomnienie wiary. 
Lecz jeśli obudzisz Chrystusa, 
czyli jeśli wiara w tobie się ożywi, 
to na modlitwie Jezus obdarzy cię swoim pokojem.
Przecież tylko On jest doświadczonym sternikiem twojego życia. To On daje ci żelazne kotwice, czyli święte przykazania. Posyła Ci też żeglarzy, czyli aniołów, którzy cię strzegą. Twoimi żaglami są zaś prorocy, męczennicy i apostołowie.
Gdy więc fale morza, po którym płyniesz są wzburzone, a twoja łódź niemalże już tonie, wówczas zwróć się do Jezusa na modlitwie i proś:
Podaj mi także rękę, jak podałeś Piotrowi, by wyciągnąć mnie spośród fal Złego, aby wzburzona fala grzechu mnie nie zatopiła.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Estote perfecti (Mt 5:48).

Love is the foundation of Christianity. So you cannot be a Christian if you do not love your sisters and brothers. Furthermore, you are supposed to love your enemies and to pray for your adversaries. In such a way you become a true child of the heavenly Father. You follow the example of the Son of God who offered his life on the cross for the salvation of humanity. Hence he loved everyone and wanted to help all the people. You are not to wait for recompense but share your goods and talents for free. You should not look for an award on the earth but in heaven. Probably you will be disappointed many times while helping others. Nonetheless, keep doing and do not give up. For your Christian vocation is to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. As Jesus Christ praise your God all your life and praise him while you live. Remember that you are blessed and supported by the Holy Spirit. Keep your faith and help your neighbours get to know God.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Omnia possidentes (2 Cor 6:10).

Now, the grace of God is being given to you. But it depends on you whether it is used properly. The pity is forgetting about it. Now, it is the most suitable time for cooperating with the divine grace. For the Holy Spirit waits to fulfill your heart with the abundance of gifts. If you just accept them, you are ready for the salvation and miracles happen in your life. Thus, you become the minister of God who proclaims the Good News. Although the afflictions, hardships and constraints come, you are not afraid but act bravely and prudently. Since there is purity, knowledge, patience, kindness in your soul. These gifts have their source in the Holy Spirit. Moreover, you are strengthened by the power of God and with weapons of righteousness. Consequently, through glory and dishonor, insult and praise you are always the disciple of Christ. You can seem poor and weak according to the human measure but in the eyes of God you are a beloved child and the heir of the heavenly riches. For that reason, you should sing to the Lord and give him thanks for the many blessings.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sic est regnum Dei (Mk 4:26).

Królestwo Boże jest jak nasienie wrzucone w ziemię. Ma w sobie coś z tajemnicy - z misterium, podobnie jak cała przyroda, w której ukryty jest palec Boży. Widzimy jej Piękno, ale do końca jej nie rozumiemy. 
Królestwo Boże jest jak ziarno, w którym zawarte jest życie. Wszyscy mamy w sobie życie - dar Boży. Bez tego boskiego życia nie bylibyśmy w stanie niczego uczynić. Nie moglibyśmy kochać, pomagać ani służyć bliźnim.
Tajemnicę królestwa Bożego w pewnym stopniu pojmujemy na modlitwie. Wówczas bowiem Duch Święty objaśnia wszystko swoim uczniom, podobnie jak kiedyś Jezus pouczał na osobności Apostołów. Święci poświadczają tę prawdę w swoich pismach. Powinniśmy im zaufać, że na ziemi jesteśmy tylko pielgrzymami z daleka od Pana. Ten dany nam czas warto wykorzystać na pielgrzymkę do Pana i na modlitwę skierowaną do Boga. Teraz, gdy według wiary, a nie dzięki widzeniu postępujemy. Wówczas w Niebie będziemy w pełni podziwiać Piękno Królestwa. Ufajmy, że staniemy kiedyś w obliczu Pana i będziemy mieć udział w radościach Królestwa niebieskiego. 
Najważniejsze, aby nasze postępowanie zawsze podobało się Bogu. Wtedy Królestwo Boże już jest obecne w naszym sercu; wtedy jednoczymy się z naszym Bogiem i Królem. Obyśmy nigdy nie znaleźli się daleko od Niego. Obyśmy nigdy nie odłączyli się od naszego Pana Jezusa. Pamiętajmy: żeby wejść do Królestwa Bożego, najpierw trzeba stanąć przed trybunałem Chrystusa, aby potem otrzymać zapłatę za dobre lub złe uczynki. Dlatego wyznajmy nasze słabości i grzechy, a następnie módlmy się wspólnie: PRZYJDŹ, KRÓLESTWO TWOJE!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Immaculata Spiritu Sancti Sponsa

Mary the dawn, Christ the Perfect Day;
Mary the gate, Christ the Heavenly Way!
Mary the root, Christ the Mystic Vine;
Mary the grape, Christ the Sacred Wine!
Mary the wheat sheaf, Christ the living Bread;
Mary the rose tree, Christ the Rose blood-red!
Mary the font, Christ the Cleansing Flood’
Mary the chalice, Christ the Saving Blood!
Mary the temple, Christ the temple’s Lord;
Mary the shrine, Christ the God adored!
Mary the beacon, Christ the Haven’s Rest;
Mary the mirror, Christ the Vision Blest!
Mary the mother, Christ the mother’s Son.
Both ever blest while endless ages run.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Regnum caelorum (Mt 10:7).

Do you believe that the kingdom of heaven is at hand? Probably you'd rather think that it will come in the indefinte future. Then, you would not have to cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers or drive out demons. But, o Christian, it is your task nowadays. You are called by Jesus to touch the sick people with love in your heart. You are to raise the depressed and show them new perspectives. You are invited to clean the dirty souls and tell sinners that now is the best time to change their life. As a Christian, you always should pray for the possesed people who are led by the evil spirits. You are supposed to do all these things without cost. Just because you are a follower of Christ, you are obliged to perform the same miracles as your Master or even greater. Your mind ought not to be focused on the material things and only on your own business. As an apostle you must be ready for a journey with Jesus Christ. Whenever he calls you, you need to answer: Yes, here am I ready to go. Do not worry that you are not prepared. The Holy Spirit will take care of you and provide with everything which is necessary. The Spirit of the Lord will send the right person who will support you. The God's Spirit will fulfill your heart with the divine peace and you will share it with those who open their heart.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ministratio Spiritus (2 Cor 3:7).

As a Christian you have confidence through Christ toward God. You do not depend on yourself but on the grace of the Lord. Since every good you perform has its source in the divine inspiration. You are qualified as a minister of a new covenant and supported by the power of the Holy Spirit. Your life and all your deeds come from the goodness of the Holy Trinity. Consequently, your countenance changes and people can see Jesus Christ on your face. The God's grace works in you and is recognized by others. Therefore it is a great dignity and glory to be in the service of the divine Spirit. In this way the righteousness grows in the world and holiness becomes present among people. Moreover, thanks to your ministry the Lord is extolted and worshipped. The Son of God uses your hands and heart to help the needy. Through your voice they can hear the Good News and get to know the will of God. The sinners are encouraged to confess their sins and find mercy in the divine heart of Jesus Christ. By your example people are taught the paths of God and guided in the way of truth. They find the commandments helpful and necessary to fulfill the Christian vocation. Finally, they achieve the everlasting award in the kingdom of heaven. They take part in the community of saints and blessed.

Apostolus Christi (2 Cor 1:1).

A Christian fulfills the will of God in his life. First of all, he listens carefully and then follows God's ordinances. In such a way, he teaches others how to live properly and holy. He knows that such a life is impossible without the grace of the Lord. Therefore he always gives thanks for many blessings from God. He is grateful especially for the compassion and mercy of the heavenly Father. Also he confirms that his strength and power come from above. He is not able to do anything without the divine support. A follower of Christ is encouraged in every affliction by God. As a result, he can help his brothers and sisters in their endeavours. He does not give up but rather gives an example how to overcome the difficulties and problems. He understands that everything what happens in his life is necessary for the growing in faith. Furthermore, he trusts in the power of the Holy Spirit and nothing is impossible for him. The Christian hope is firm and his attitude allows him to win over the evil. With strong faith he tastes and experiences the goodness of the Lord. For that reason, he blesses and praises God at all times. His soul glorifies in the Lord and finds happiness in the presence of the Almighty. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

In viis veritatis (Tb 1:3).

A Christian is the one who walks all the days of his life on the path of truth and righteousness. He performs many charitable works for his sisters and brothers. For he knows that all people travel through life to the heavenly kingdom. This life is only preparation for the everlasting abiding with the Lord. The Christian teaches others how to spend time on earth and take care of the people in need. He is and example of the praying person who worships God. The Christian is very patient and uses his time for good things. He is always ready to go and act according to God's will. He is not afraid of the opinions of the evil people. He is well prepared and accompanied by the divine grace. His wisdom and strength come from the words written in the Holy Bible. Overall, he follows and delights in the God's voice heard in his heart.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ad te, Domine (Ps 25:1).

Again and again I lift up my soul to you, o Lord. For I trust in you and hope not to be ashamed. There are still so many troubles and anxieties in my life. In addition, some people make me confused and distressed. They want to change my attitude towards you. Nevertheless, I come to you and pray eagerly not to lose my faith. I ask you to show and teach me your paths. I pray to the Lord so that he guide me in his truth. I need his compassion and kindness. Since I am a fragile person who can be easily hurt and broken. With confidence I approach him because of his goodness and mercy. I am sure that he will take care of me and lead me through life. I try to be humble and listen carefully to his precepts. So I spread out my hands and pour out my prayer. In this way I show my love to the Lord who is merciful to me. Every time I meet him I am healed by his divine grace. With new strength I fulfill my tasks and follow the example of Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Ecce mater tua (J 19:27).

Maryjo, oddaję Ci moje oczy, abyś to Ty nimi patrzyła,
oddaję Ci moje uszy, abyś Ty nimi słuchała,
oddaję Ci moje dłonie, abyś Ty nimi działała,
moje stopy, abyś Ty nimi chodziła,
oddaję Ci moje serce, abyś to Ty nim kochała,
i aby Twoje serce biło we mnie dla Jezusa i dla braci,
oddaję Ci siebie samego, abyś to Ty we mnie żyła 
i napełniała Sobą na chwałę Trójcy Przenajświętszej.