Sunday, April 16, 2023

Gratias agens | Give thanks

"...Then he took the seven loaves, thanked God for them..." — Mark 8:6 (NLT) 

The needs in our daily lives can be overwhelming sometimes that we are skeptical or having doubts of our future. Especially with the raising of prices following economic depression that our income seems so low to help us make ends meet.

Again today, we read about a large crowd gathered around Jesus. He noticed that they had been following Him for three days, and running out of their supplies ‐ nothing to eat. He was afraid they would collapse if He sent them home, hungry (v.1‐3). Let’s stop here. Oftentimes we are afraid of our future, even our daily lives. We do not realize that our Lord Jesus notices everything. He doesn’t only care about our spiritual needs but also physical necessities.

With the seven loaves available, Jesus gave thanks to God over them and broke them into pieces. He did the same over a few small fish available; blessed them and then fed at least four thousand men. Let’s stop again here. Sometimes we think we need to earn a lot to be able to sustain everything, especially when we have a family to take care of. And when we only have a little, we are worried or unsatisfied. Jesus teaches us to give thanks over anything we have including a little income, a few supplies at home, a little insurance, a little talent, a humble job, etc., because we do not depend on the resources but on Jesus Himself. What He did exceeded the need, seven full baskets of the blessed food left, while every one was full. 

At the end of this passage, the Pharisees came and tested Jesus, asking for a sign from heaven. Jesus sighed, didn’t give any sign and left (v.11‐13). It is our option to believe in Jesus or not because, despite how many miracles He had performed, there were always doubts over His power, His deity. Even His disciples questioned the possibility of feeding the thousands of people (v.4).

Give thanks over the only little things we have.  Trust Jesus, He is more than able to take care of us. Thank you Lord.

Reflection on Mark 8:1‐13 by Desire Litaay 
(Listen to the Podcast here)

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