Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Filius sororis | Sister's Son

"The son of Paul's sister heard about the ambush'" - Acts 23:16.

Obraz Amrullah Ab z Pixabay

We sometimes are in trouble. There are people who want to hurt us. We can be aware of our circumstances. But it happens that we do not realize it. The book of Acts of the Apostles reminds us that good and bad people exist. So we need to prepare ourselves for everything. We have to trust in God but at the same time, we must act as wise and prudent people.  

There are always our relatives and close friends who help us. Apostle Paul was a missionary who worked and preached alone. Even so, his sister and her son supported him. Besides, there were strangers from Rome who took care of him when he was in danger in front of his own people. 

This passage teaches us that we need to ask for help when we are in trouble. Not only prayers but prayers and reason are necessary for our life. God the Father enriched us with a warm heart and bright reason. He created us in the best possible way. So let us trust in God and also in the good people around us. We have to support each other, especially in difficult situations. We should not be shy to express our needs and talk about our problems. For in our families and communities there are people who make us survive when the dark moments come.

Reflection on Acts 23:12- 22 by Józef Trzebuniak SVD.

(Listen to the Podcast here)

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