Thursday, March 17, 2022

Sine Intermissione | Earnest Prayer

"So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the Church." — Acts 12:5 (ESV) 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

People who always draw closer to God will be led by the spirit of God to get out of every problem they face. Peter, one of Jesus' disciples, was a disciple who knew Jesus very well. He followed Jesus since the first time he was called on the shore of the Sea of Galilee until Jesus died on the cross. Even though he denied Jesus three times in public, his heart did not slow down to proclaim the salvation from God after he experienced Jesus who lived, died and rose again. On this faith, he dared to testify about Jesus Christ. However, he was captured by Herod and put in prison. While in prison and guarded by soldiers, God sent an angel to save and free him from death.

Prison is a symbol of a limited freedom. We are often imprisoned by past traumatic experiences, the problems we face today, and anxieties about the future. However, through Peter's experiences, we believe that when we surrender to God, God will free us from that imprisoned situation. God will help us see life's problems more clearly and open the eyes of our hearts to see a way out.

When I was a kid, my mother was very sick. My father struggled so that my mother would be able to recover. The doctor diagnosed that her illness was quite severe and needed an intensive care. In the midst of a situation like this, my parents only surrender to God. They pray every day while trying to buy herbal medicines from the hospitals. Finally, the miracle came and my mother was healed. To this day, my mother is still alive and well. Nevertheless, they did not forget God. Praying every day becomes a routine that cannot be eliminated until now.

God will help those who draw closer to Him. His mercy liberates. May we also always draw closer to God, surrender all our problems and always be grateful for everything that happens in our lives.

Reflection on Acts 12:1-19 by Fr. Aris Mada, SVD
(Listen to the Podcast here)

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