Wednesday, December 6, 2017

In monte isto (Is 25:7)

Advent is a special time when the Lord provides his gifts and the Holy Spirit for his beloved ones. Knowing the longings of your heart he wants you to feel happy, peaceful and hopeful during this season of divine grace. 
Accordingly, you need to prepare yourself for his blessings. Let him touch and cleanse you from your doubts, worries and all kinds of weaknesses. Keep in mind that you are his chosen one whom he loves wholeheartedly. Even if you make mistakes, commit sins and escape from his sight, he is by your side waiting to wipe away the tears from your face. Through his holy Word, he reminds you that God the Father cares and takes pity on you.
Therefore, patiently wait for the Lord who makes you rejoice and be glad. He puts his holy hand on your head and blesses you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Accept his blessing and expect miracles in your life. Close your eyes and feel his gently touch which is the Holy Spirit abiding in you.

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