Thursday, July 13, 2017

Capilli numerati (Mt 10:30)

Heavenly father knows everything and nothing is hidden from him. If he has to know everything, he has to be present everywhere. That means there is no particle of creation devoid of God. When Christ tells us that we are worth more than many sparrows, he points out at our higher consciousness that distinguishes us from the rest of the animals and plants. God wishes that in our free will through our consciousness we reach and merge with him. Jesus tells us that since God knows everything, there is nothing we can call to God’s attention. He knows our every thought, word, deed, dream, feeling, virtue and vice as well. This knowledge leads us to a total surrender and comforts us in times of trials and troubles. In our human frailty, we may fail to understand or give understanding to others, but God does never fails!
It is so clear in his great design we are born to particular parents in a particular society and environment. It is he who directs significant people and events into our lives. He knows our every need, even before we ask. Therefore, it is foolish to sit before the Lord with our begging bowls asking him to satisfy our innumerable earthly needs and wants. Let us humbly submit ourselves to his divine will and say, “Lord I gratefully accept all that you have given me without any regret and I say yes to all that is in store for me in the days to come.” Let us live every moment knowing that we are precious to our God and he provides us with everything in his own time.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

De vultu tuo (Ps 17:2)

Let us seek the face of Christ. We know that it is possible to find him and to abide in him. The Lord can be found only if we live in justice and pray ardently from our lips, without deceiving. Our Lord wants to be with us and in our hearts. However, it depends on us whether our thoughts are pure.
The Holy Spirit can act through us when our souls are clean. For this reason, as fragile and weak human beings, we should very often ask for forgiveness and God's grace. We are unable to sanctify ourselves on our own.
Therefore, day by day, we cry to the Lord who answers us. Although our prayers are not always correct, we do not give up. We pray the Lord to incline his ear and to kindly look upon us. Moreover, we believe that he can offer us his blessings and mercy.
As the Lord's followers, we flee from our foes under and find shelter under his divine protection. We hide ourselves in the shadow of his arms. We are always accepted as his beloved friends and satisfied in his presence.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Super fundamentum apostolorum (Eph 2:20)

The Apostles are the examples for us. Moreover, they support and intercede for us. They are holy ones while we are striving for holiness. They live in the community of saints in the kingdom of God while we are still on the journey. They were taught by Jesus himself and we also need his teaching. Jesus Christ was the centre of their lives and we need to keep him in our hearts too. Without Jesus they would have been the ordinary people, but with his Spirit they became the models and heres. 
Similarly we are to follow them with the divine grace. We can become like them - the sacred temples where the Holy Spirit abides. Every day we are invited to live in the closer relation with Jesus. Our souls should change into the dwelling place of God's Spirit. 
In this way in the 21st century we testify as the disciple of Jesus to the whole world and tell the Good News. The modern world needs such Christians who praise the Lord and glorify him among people. Since everyone is called to be holy and faithful according to the image of the Son of God.