Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Kuatkan orang lain

"Setelah keributan itu berakhir, Paulus memanggil murid-murid dan setelah memberi semangat kepada mereka, ia berpamitan dan berangkat ke Makedonia." (Kisah Para Rasul 20: 1, NIV).


Dalam bagian ini kita membaca beberapa kali bagaimana Rasul Paulus menyemangati murid-muridnya dan orang lain bahkan selama pelayanannya yang sulit dan penuh tantangan. Kita juga dapat membaca dalam Kisah Para Rasul 16, di mana Paulus dan Silas berdoa dan menyanyikan pujian kepada Tuhan di penjara di mana semua tahanan dapat mendengar mereka.

Saya belajar bagaimana Paulus hidup di atas segala keadaan dan memuliakan Tuhan dengan tindakan dan perkataannya. Setiap orang mengalami masalah, kesulitan, dan pencobaan mereka sendiri. Terkadang kita tidak punya waktu untuk mempertimbangkan sisi baik dari masalah tersebut, apalagi meluangkan waktu untuk menyemangati orang lain.

Rasul Petrus berkata, "Serahkanlah segala kekhawatiranmu kepada Tuhan, sebab Ia yang memelihara kamu." (1 Petrus 5:7). Namun kita, manusia, cenderung lebih mengandalkan diri sendiri daripada Tuhan. Kita mengesampingkan Firman Tuhan karena kita pikir itu akan terlalu lama untuk terwujud, jadi lebih baik kita melakukannya dengan cara kita sendiri. Sampai keadaan menjadi lebih buruk dan kemudian kita berteriak, "Tuhan tolong aku!"

Tuhan berkata, "Terkutuklah orang yang mengandalkan manusia, yang mengandalkan kekuatannya sendiri, dan yang hatinya menjauh dari Tuhan." Karena akhir dari upaya ini adalah kegagalan dan penderitaan. Bandingkan dengan orang-orang yang mengandalkan Tuhan dan yang keyakinannya adalah kepada-Nya. Mereka tidak akan pernah berhenti menghasilkan buah bahkan di tahun kekeringan (Yeremia 17:5-8).

Saya yakin kepercayaan yang dimiliki Rasul Paulus kepada Tuhan begitu besar. Itu memungkinkannya untuk menyemangati orang lain bahkan ketika dia sendiri menghadapi tantangan dan ancaman. 

Mari kita belajar dari Paulus dan yakin akan kasih Tuhan. Itu akan menenangkan kita dan mengalihkan fokus kita dari diri kita sendiri kepada orang lain sehingga kita dapat menguatkan mereka dan memuliakan Tuhan seperti yang dilakukan Paulus.

Renungan Kisah Para Rasul 20: 1-6 oleh Desire Litaay

Encourage | EN | IN

"When the uproar had ended, Paul sent for the disciples and, after encouraging them, said goodbye and set out for Macedonia."  - Acts 20: 1 (NIV)

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Encourage others

In this passage we read several times how Apostle Paul encouraged his disciples and other people even during his difficult and challenged ministries. We also can read in Acts 16,  where Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God in the prison where all the prisoners could hear them.

I learn how Paul lived above any circumstances and glorified God with his acts and words. Every body is going through their own problems, hardships, and trials. Sometimes we don't have time to consider the bright side of the issue, let alone spare time encouraging other people.

Apostle Peter said,  "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." (1Peter 5:7). However we, human beings, we tend to rely on ourselves more than God. We set the Word of God aside as we think it will be too long to manifest so we'd better do it our ways. Until things get worse and then we shout, "God help me!"

God says, "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord." Because the end of this effort is failure and sufferings. Compare it to the ones who trust in the Lord and their confidence in Him. They will never cease to bear fruit even in a year of drought. (Jeremiah 17:5-8).

I believe the trust that Apostle Paul had for God was so ultimate. It enabled him to encourage others even when he was facing challenges and threats.

Let's learn from Paul and be confident in the love of the Lord. It will calm us and shift our focus from ourselves to other people so we are able to encourage others and glorify God as Paul did.

Reflection on Acts 20: 1-6 by Desire Litaay

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Sedatus | Calm

Be calm and do not act hastily -Acts 19:36

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We often hear the sentence above when there is chaos, whether mass chaos involving many people or chaos involving our own inner struggles when facing difficult situations.  In facing life's difficulties, we are faced with several alternative solutions to problems, including drinking alcohol, karaoke and dancing happily in the pub, being alone, etc.  Today through the acts of the apostles, as Christians or followers of Christ we are reminded to always be calm and not to rush into action. Calmness can bring us inner peace and enlightenment if we truly follow our inner voice or conscience.  Conscience can only be heard when we are calm and quiet.

There is a time for everything, and there is also a time for suffering, for struggle, time for serenity and peace, for sorrow and happiness that we are experiencing.  Therefore, we should always be grateful to God, the Giver of life and the Determinant of human destiny.  In several incidents, many people died in very tragic conditions due to the brutal actions of their fellow men because of revenge, anger, jealousy and so on.  We cannot control ourselves completely when worldly things dominate us and we move away from God.  Satan takes full advantage of this opportunity to destroy human life. 

Let us try to call on God's name, seek God in all situations of life before going too far. Calm with God will bring goodness, blessings and graces.  Remember, never rush away again from God.

Reflection on Acts 19:28-41  by Sr Yanti Purnawati SFSC
(Listen to podcast here)