Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Surge, vade (Jon 3:2).

The Lord speaks to you again and again. He reminds you what you are supposed to do. He explains you how you should fulfil his will. Then, you are able to share his message with your sisters and brothers. But the first thing is to be ready for his calling. Moreover, you have to trust his voice in order to act according to the Lord's bidding. You cannot be afraid that the task is too difficult for you. Since nothing is impossible for the person who follows God's ordinances. Obviously, it will take time and you need to be patient to see the miracles of God. Nevertheless, you have to start and go. Immediately you will experience that the Lord is walking with you and supporting you with his divine grace. Consequently, your faith will be stronger and stronger. This will also have an impact on the people around you. Thus, the Lord will be glad that his children are following his commands.

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