Sunday, February 15, 2015

Genu flectens (Mk 1:40).

A Christian is a person who comes to Jesus and kneels down asking him for help. In this way a follower of Christ imitates his Master. For the Son of God was used to pray and to beg his Father for support. He did know that his beloved Father always wanted the best. Nowadays, Jesus is acting through the power of the Holy Spirit. When the Christian prays God is moved with pity, stretches his divine arm and embraces the begger with his holy grace. Consequently, the first gift of the Father is changing and purifying the heart of his children. As a result, they are free from anxiety and disturbance. Afterwards, they are able to see the world and the people with pure eyes. That is why the prayer is so important for the spiritual life. Talking with God really makes the difference in the attitude towards others and oneself.

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