Saturday, January 21, 2012

Women in the World

There are some very alarming statistics about women in the world I have never realized. For instance that in the United Kingdom one incident of domestic violence is reported to the police every minute and 77% of victims are women. Moreover, in many countries, such as Egypt, Zambia, India or Ethipia women even accept that situation. So it is a significant problem of human beings who are subjects to torture, starvation, terrorism, humiliation, mutilation and even murder. Women very often suffer in silence and need medical treatment. Therefore, in many places shelters for battered women are being built. 
Nonetheless, one third of women in the world has been beaten, coerced to sex or abused in their lifetime. Furthermore, domestic violence sometimes culminates in murder. For example in Canada 40%-70% of all female murder victims are killed by their husbands or boyfriends, in Russia 32% and in Brazil 72% of total murders are also women killed by domestic violence. The statistics show that about 5000 women a year are killed by members of their families. In the Middle East and Southwest Asia it is called honor killings what means that the victim has brought dishonor upon the family or community. 
Maybe, one of the reasons is extreme son preference which causes demographic distortion in the world, especially in South Korea, India, China, Bangladesh and Pakistan. As a result female infanticide and abortion is common in these countries. Girls are often seen as a lower economic value than boys. Consequently, from the beginning of life women are considered to be in worse position. They have usually very difficult start and even if they survive many dangers will wait for them in their future.  

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