Friday, March 3, 2017

Quasi aurora (Is 58:8)

The foundation of the relation with God is sincerity. Moreover, the sincerity is needed in all kinds of interpersonal relationships. Being honest means telling the truth in every case. For that reason, it is not enough to look for and to desire a good friendship. Building a good relation takes effort every day and in all circumstances. For each time we hide the truth and tell lies, we abandon the Lord and other people. We can do many good things but if we lie everything serves for nothing. When we tell lies, our life of prayer is not effective at all. If we cheat one another, we build a wall around us. Consequently, we lose access to God and also our inner unity.
Therefore, the Lent is a proper time to forget about our good name and to tell the whole truth. First of all, we are invited to confess our sins to God. Then with dignity and sincerity we ought to approach our sisters and brothers. It is possible but only in the spirit of humility and trust. Thus, being humble before God and friends, our voice can be heard. Our merciful Father will receive us as prodigal sons and daughters. In this way, we will be encouraged and capable of starting a new and holy life. Our wounds shall quickly be healed and our inner life shall break forth like a dawn. Finally, our relations with God and our friends will become the communion of spirits.   

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