Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Intellegere | Understand | EN |

Philip ran to him, and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” - Acts 8:30

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The encounter of Philip and the Ethiopian is one of several conversions we encounter in the Acts: Simon (Acts 8:3-25) and Cornelius (Acts 10: 1-48). The Ethiopian is also a eunuch, which makes the story significant as eunuchs were excluded from Temples and spiritual life, therefore he is by all effects an outcast. Yet the eunuch is seeking God and his seeking is answered.

God sends to him Philip and the angel so that his conversion is possible. Whoever seeks God sincerely will have an answer, no matter who he or she is. The eunuch at the same time is also unsure of his own understanding, in fact Philip asks him: "Do you understand what you are reading?" And the Ethiopian answers: "How can I unless someone guides me". This is fundamental: the word of God. His truth contained in the Bible can be easily misunderstood, misinterpreted and distorted. So we all need the correct interpretation, the correct guide, apt to instruct and explain to all of us the Word of God in the only correct way. In this case Philip has this role for the Ethiopian. 

For all of us it is the Church who has the role to guide us in the correct interpretation, to teach us. The Church has also the inclusiveness to welcome anyone through her doors, no one is excluded. Like the Ethiopian eunuch, an outcast is accepted and guided in the correct understanding, and can rejoice in the Word.

Similarly, we all are guided and can rejoice in the Resurrection, as we are enabled to see beyond the text and into the risen Jesus. 

Reflection on Acts 8:26-40 by Giulia
(Listen to podcast here)

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