Saturday, July 18, 2020

Triginta et octo annos (Jn. 5:5)

We are asked now to reflect the condition of a man living in infirmity in such a very long time... hundreds of efforts and contemplations as well or even thousands... could ever be possibly done by him to live live happily and joyfully... experience by experience have surely taught him a lot stimulating his hope, his eagerness, and his decision.... it is not an easy spiritual journey for him facing day by day his the difficult opportunity he will have to be the first to get him to be in the pool of Bethesda to have the miracle.... but finally, he finds it at the end !! easily, respectfully and gracefully when he is asked by A stranger and then he tells to Him, the great Healer of him frankly and sincerely about his hope...
A quiet contemplation to trace his feeling and experience journey appears to be an answer to understand the strength of the man who deserves to receive the miracle and of course the eternal thing to be understood here is the strength of him from the endurance in surrender... 38 years is a big deal to wait for the angel to come....and the difficulty to have the help to bring him in the pool and hope of help, of worthiness result in endurance in surrender....our Christ who is Love, not only bring him in the pool but instantly heals him... God who knows this endurance in surrender comes and speaks gently "will thou be made whole ?"God who loves all people also gives him the love, need of him and surely need of us.... even when the man doesn't ask Him to heal him because the man doesn't know... God knows that he needs love and help ... so never hesitate of asking everything you need... just ask Him and you will have a heavenly hope as the man's and feel the hope that can emerge and there is a strength to stand strong together with our God in every challenge of our life waiting for love and help from Him... Halleluja!

By Ceisy Nita Wuntu, Paniki Atas.

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