Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Vivere Christus | Life is Christ

"In your life in union with Christ Jesus" - Philippians 1:26.

So many things happen in our life. We have our duties, dreams, worries, joys, etc. As Christians, we keep proclaiming Christ as our Lord in our deeds and words. But we also see other people who behave in their own way. They choose their own style. We can be angry with them or we also can accept this fact and pray more for them. 

Apostle Paul is a great example for us. I do admire him as a mature man who followed Christ. Obviously, he had his own problems and challenges, but he decided that his life will be "in union with Christ Jesus" (Phil 1:26). Although he entered prison, he was confident in the Lord and never lost his faith. He was fearless in front of enemies and bad people who were to kill him. He prayed a lot and spent much time for contemplation and reflection. 

The Gospel, the Word of God, made him strong in his endeavors. Accordingly, he was always sincere and happy. He was fulfilled with the Holy Spirit. Paul looked at the people with the eyes of Jesus full of compassion and love. The Spirit of Jesus lived in him and the prayers of believers supported him. So even in chains, he was a free man who overcame all the difficulties. 

No doubt that he experienced his weaknesses and fragility. Nonetheless, "he was full of courage and brought honor to Christ" (1:20). His deepest secret was an inner communion with Jesus. For Paul, Jesus was everything. Thus, he did not care about earthly life too much. On the contrary, "he wanted very much to leave this life and be with Christ" (1:23). His main teacher was God's Word and his holy will. So Paul was ready to follow his ordinances and commandments. Until his death, he remained faithful to Jesus Christ as his most diligent disciple.

Reflection on Philippians 1:12-26 By Fr. Józef Trzebuniak, SVD.     

(Listen to the Podcast here)

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