Sunday, April 3, 2016

Misericordia Dei (Ap 1:9-13)

Human life consists of moments of happiness, but also sadness. All of these experiences are necessary and you are to be grateful for them. Thanks to them you can enter into a deeper contact with our Lord Jesus Christ. In this way he allows you to approach him and experience the state of spiritual rapture. Every Sunday, while participating in the Holy Sacrifice, you deepen your relation with the Son of God. He speaks to you with a powerful voice which is his merciful love. He lets you enter into a state of contemplation and he makes you go into raptures over the beauty of Spirit. Then you are able to see a patch of sky and to savor the glory of God. You receive his gift in order to share it with the people and to bear witness to the risen Christ. You need to turn away from the affairs of everyday life and to turn towards the light from above. Thus you have a share in the kingdom of heaven whence he comes to you as the Rising Sun and your Saviour who is clothed in a golden royal coat. If you look with humility in his divine face, he draws you towards him and puts his hand on your shoulder. His power calms your restless heart and ensures that your whole life is under God's Providence. He strengthens your faith and gives you hope of everlasting happiness in the Father's house.

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