Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Salvos fieri | Power to Save

"Only Jesus has the power to save" - Acts 4:12 (CEV). 

Every day we focus on many things, people, duties, situations, etc. We are usually busy and think that everything is very important. We get lost in words, actions, circumstances. We even cannot find peace and work in a hurry. We become like a man who could not walk by himself (v. 9). So he needed the healing process. Luckily he met with the Apostles Peter and John who told him about Jesus Christ.

Do we have such friends who do the same? Or are we such people who share with others the Good News about our Saviour?

He is the One. He is the stone (v. 11). He is the foundation of our lives. We can call his holy name and get cured by Jesus. There are many things and situations that we cannot change on our own. Yet, everything and everyone can change by his divine power.

The Gospel about Jesus from Nazareth spread throughout centuries. No one can deny the powerful miracles which happened. But many people try to keep this message from spreading. For that reason, we as Christians have to preach the Good News. Especially nowadays we cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and heard (v. 20). We do not want to give up. We are to praise Jesus and to tell others everything about his truth. 

Let us pray together and meditate on the Word of God. May the Holy Spirit fulfill us with the divine strength and wisdom to overcome all the difficulties. In this way, we will rejoice and also help our brothers and sisters to trust in the power of Jesus' name. Amen.

 Reflection on Acts 4:1-24 by Józef Trzebuniak SVD.

(Listen to the Podcast here)

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