Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ministratio Spiritus (2 Cor 3:7).

As a Christian you have confidence through Christ toward God. You do not depend on yourself but on the grace of the Lord. Since every good you perform has its source in the divine inspiration. You are qualified as a minister of a new covenant and supported by the power of the Holy Spirit. Your life and all your deeds come from the goodness of the Holy Trinity. Consequently, your countenance changes and people can see Jesus Christ on your face. The God's grace works in you and is recognized by others. Therefore it is a great dignity and glory to be in the service of the divine Spirit. In this way the righteousness grows in the world and holiness becomes present among people. Moreover, thanks to your ministry the Lord is extolted and worshipped. The Son of God uses your hands and heart to help the needy. Through your voice they can hear the Good News and get to know the will of God. The sinners are encouraged to confess their sins and find mercy in the divine heart of Jesus Christ. By your example people are taught the paths of God and guided in the way of truth. They find the commandments helpful and necessary to fulfill the Christian vocation. Finally, they achieve the everlasting award in the kingdom of heaven. They take part in the community of saints and blessed.

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