Monday, June 15, 2015

Omnia possidentes (2 Cor 6:10).

Now, the grace of God is being given to you. But it depends on you whether it is used properly. The pity is forgetting about it. Now, it is the most suitable time for cooperating with the divine grace. For the Holy Spirit waits to fulfill your heart with the abundance of gifts. If you just accept them, you are ready for the salvation and miracles happen in your life. Thus, you become the minister of God who proclaims the Good News. Although the afflictions, hardships and constraints come, you are not afraid but act bravely and prudently. Since there is purity, knowledge, patience, kindness in your soul. These gifts have their source in the Holy Spirit. Moreover, you are strengthened by the power of God and with weapons of righteousness. Consequently, through glory and dishonor, insult and praise you are always the disciple of Christ. You can seem poor and weak according to the human measure but in the eyes of God you are a beloved child and the heir of the heavenly riches. For that reason, you should sing to the Lord and give him thanks for the many blessings.

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