Friday, June 14, 2024

Glorify | EN | ES | IN

I glorified you on the earth. - John 17:4

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In this passage there is the invite to glorify the Lord in order to be part of the good. Who loves and believes in God will have eternal life. Everyone must know the good, walk in the path without sin and doing the good.

You don’t have to be afraid of anything , be quiet if you know to have done good and glorified the Lord’s name. Let’s pray for being glorified in the name of the Lord for becoming part of Him.

We must struggle and strive ourselves sharing the Lord’s words better and better in order that everyone become witnesses of His huge Love for all us. Be conscientise that everything we have is a gift by God. When we are sharing God’s word we have a huge strong power inside us. It is not only our strength, God is talking through us.

I pray for everyone who have given me the opportunity to meet them along my path, because dealing with these people, you make me able to be the beauty soul that I am now. I enjoy living in your name trying to do my best to be as similar as you are in loving your neighbor.

Do your best to save more and more souls because GOD win always against the devil.

Reflection on John 17: 1-11 by Ivan

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