Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Non Erubesco | Not Ashamed

“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ… “ – Romans 1:16 (NLT)


Photo by Francesco Paggiaro from Pexels

The faith we have in Christ offers a very essential thing men fight for, which is the eternal salvation. Religious people all over the world strive to do good to obtain the reward of future assurance. Romans 1:16 says that the Gospel of Christ is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes. Although true believers are marked by their good deeds, it is not because of the good deeds that they are saved. But through faith in Christ.

“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ…” (v.16). Why the Apostle Paul needs to emphasize about not being ashamed of Christ? Is it difficult to testify about Christ?

The beauty of the Truth we have in Christ exceeds the world’s wisdom. God knows we are weak and impossible to save ourselves. Therefore the Son of God – who has the same nature as the Father, incarnated in human form and died for our sins. Never before, in any religions, that the Powerful Divine Person comes to die for redeeming undeserved sinners while all they are asked for is just to believe in Him.

Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch lady, was arrested in 1944 for hiding Jewish refugees from The Nazis in The Netherlands. With a Bible she had together with her sister, she shared her faith to the prisoners and converted many of them to Christianity. One of her famous quotes is “You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have.” Her sister died because of an illness in the prison with a very deep faith, while she was released from the prison a week before all other people of her group were sent to gas chamber. Later it was found that her release was a clerical error. She continued working underground bravely and saved around 800 Jews.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago, I did not have enough resources to survive or to ease the case. Mostly due to my personality who just could not share much with others. It was a huge struggle inside myself when I realized I would do the chemotherapy. Thinking of the consequences that I had to stop working as my body would be weak, who would take care of my young children, how could I hide my bald head, what should I say to others who see me, would they think it was God’s punishment or…, and what about the financial support to do all the expensive procedures and so on. I remember reading Lord Jesus’ words in Luke 12:6-7 during that difficult moment: “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” The rest was a magical experience. I prayed for Jesus’ will as the doctor was writing the prescription for my first chemo, when he suddenly stopped and asked for my medical records before the surgery. He then found out some statements there which gave indication that my cancer did not spread. And so no chemo needed, but just taking a pill each day for hormone control and so the doctor tore the prescription. I did not have to spend millions of Rupiahs for that procedure, and the medicine was so affordable.

Do we still have so many resources to back us up? Are we wealthy and healthy enough? Are we good enough – never mess up our lives, always being good people or feel good about ourselves? Until Christ is the only one we have, we would never get the message. Have you testified to the world about the goodness of God in Christ in your life? Please do. He is your Treasure. God bless you. 

Reflection on Romans 1:16-17 by Desire Litaay 

(Listen to the Podcast here)

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