Friday, January 1, 2021

In corde suo | At its heart

…And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.  Luke 2:19

Today, we start the year 2021. The Roman Catholic Church around the world begin this year by celebrating The Solemnity of St. Mary, the Mother of God (Theotokos). All the things that Mary experienced were kept and pondered in her heart. Mary's heart is as wide as the ocean. He accepts whatever is given by his life. Like the ocean it accepts all things, good bad, clean, dirty, great and small, and whatever it contains, Mary keeps all things and reflecting on them in her heart.

With all her humility as a servant of God, Mary became a mother who was faithful, diligent, and obedient to God's will. She always tried to listen to God's will. She pondered and considered in the stillness of mind. This spirituality of listening and reflecting on how Mary lived could be our spirit too. We are invited to listen more, open our hearts, and care about the complaints and sufferings of others. Listening and considering can be a way of dealing with our problems and our life.

Many problems occur in community, family, and friendships because people do not want to listen and reflect on their actions. At the beginning of this new year, God invites us to be like Mary, who keeps all things in her heart and ponder on them. Happy New Year 2021. God bless us this Year.

Reflection on Luke 2:16-21 by Fr. Fransiskus Diaz, SVD 

(Listen to the Podcast here)

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