Saturday, July 11, 2020

Benedictio Domini (Ps. 129:8)

Israel felt suffocation since "they were young" because of the hatred of the wicked people who tried to destroy them. Wherever God's people stand, they got more suffering than people who didn't know God. Sometimes their suffering was long and made God's people felt suffocated. But we should acknowledge that when the hatred of the wicked people tried to destroy Israel, they never achieved it. Moreover, God's people became stronger and spread all over the world. So, be patient in suffocation.
God puts a limit on our suffering. God knows his people and wants to reduce suffering. So it will never exceed our ability. God uses suffering to make his people come back to him. And when the wicked does too much against his people, God will act and free the suffering from the wicked clutches.
In sum, God is just. He will stop the enemies and make them ashamed, and eventually, they will step back. Because God always remembers his own people.

By Yulius Telaumbanua, Indonesia.

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